Registration for Speaker, Chairs and Organisers Bitte aktiviere JavaScript in deinem Browser, um dieses Formular fertigzustellen.First NameNameInstituteAddressZip CodeCityCountryE-Mail *Please select *SpeakerChairOrganisationHotel booking27. 09. 202228. 09. 202229. 09. 2022As invited speaker, we will cover your accommodation and travel expenses. To reimburse your travel expenses we have to collect original invoices! Please note that we could only reimburse economy flight or train tickets. Maximum reimbursemnt for travel costs: Europe: 400 EUR and other continents: 1000 EUR Travelling by taxi could only be paid under certain conditions. There is no refund for meals during travel. Consent *I agree that my abstract can be published in the abstract bookno, please do not publishDSGVO consent *I consent to this website storing my submitted information so that my request can be answered.send