Dear friends of cytometry,
we like to thank all speakers, chairs, participants and industrial partners who joined the 32nd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Cytometry “Spotlight on cells: lifestyle and environment” face to face in Berlin from 28th to 30th of September 2022. Each of the 150 participants contributed to the great success if this conference.
On 26th and 27th of September the meeting was preceded by four excellent tutorials in flow cytometry, mass cytometry, image analysis and mechanocytometry as well as by five webinars highlighting very recent innovations from the industry. We congratulate Michael Müller from Jena who answered all quiz questions correctly and won an iPad.
From the keynote speaker, Dr. Simon Haas from Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), we learned how single-cell genomics technologies and well-established flow cytometry can be effectively integrated, using specialized algorithms, to allow a comprehensive understanding of pathologies – in particular of cancer. Our Guest Lecture speaker, Sebastian Meller from Hannover Veterinary Medicine, introduced how dogs can “smell” COVID-19. The winner of the Klaus-Goerttler-Prize, Dr. Elisa Rosati, gave us an insight into innovative cytometry technologies and bioinformatic tools enabling profiling of SARS-CoV-2 antigen-specific CD4 T cell repertoires.
We had the pleasure to host four representatives of the Austrian Cytometry Society in the European session, representing highlights of state-of-the-art single-cell biology and cytometry “made in Austria”.
The scientific sessions of the conference, in imaging, cutting-edge technologies, mechanocytometry, microbiology, nanotechnology, and core facilities were perfectly complemented by an exciting industry exhibition with 18 participant companies. And not to forget the exciting Product Slam in which company representatives introduced their latest developments within three minutes, in a very delightful and entertaining way! Congratulations to Clemens Jäger and his team from Bio-Rad and Stephan Werk from Miltenyi Biotec who won the first and second prize!
The speed talks session – with the flair of a science slam – gave the stage free for 18 young scientists to present their projects. Congratulations to Iga Janowska who won the Speed Talk Award.
Finally, we like to farewell Prof. Raluca Niesner, Berlin, who successfully led the DGfZ as president during two years of pandemic and we welcome Dr. Henrik Mei, Berlin as new president of the society.
See you all at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the DGfZ “Dimensions of cytometry: Community – Science enabled by technology – Science behind technology” in Berlin scheduled for September 13-15th 2023 – save the date!