We are very happy to announce that we will continue with our very successful Webinar-Quiz. This year five Industry Webinars will take place on Monday, 26th, and Tuesday, 27th:
Monday, 26th of September:
Webinar by Cytek: 9:30 am
Webinar by OMNI Life Sciences: 10:30 am
Webinar by Biolegend: 11:30 am
Tuesday, 27th of September:
Webinar by Fast Forward Discoveries GmbH: 9:30 am
Webinar by Particle Metrix GmbH: 10:30 am
After every Webinar we will ask some quiz-questions and all participants who attend all webinars and answer all questions right will compeed for our Quiz-Award: an iPad.
Zoomlink for all webinars:
Meeting-ID: 983 2835 1835
Kenncode: DGFZ2022
Enter the zoom meeting with name and surname.
Quiz details:
Participate in the quiz directly at the end of the webinar.
Either via slido.com and then enter the quiz number or scan it via QR code. Here, too, the full name is a requirement for the raffle.
Voting time is one minute.
The winner will be announced on Thursday evening during the Networking event Meet-the-speaker event.